Pet owners know the almost magical calming presence an animal can bring to our life. When life becomes overwhelming our dogs and cats can offer emotional support to bring us balance and restore our confidence. Pets teach us to pay attention to ourselves and our surroundings, increasing our awareness so that we may better care of ourselves so that we may take that positive energy out into the world to share with others. Therapy dogs and emotional support animals have long helped people who suffer from anxiety allowing their inner confidence to shine through.
The Sterling Silver inspirational paw print earrings are a concave bowl shaped design with a beveled edge. Deep within the center is a gleaming paw print representing the way our animals are the center of our lives. The earring is designed to draw positive energy in, with recessed lettering of the phrase BE GROUNDED set into the lower portion of the paw print earrings. The classic inspirational paw print earrings dangle freely for a polished look.
- The calming BE GROUNDED earrings can be worn with harmonizing BE GROUNDED charm.
- Inspirational paw print accessories are a thoughtful gift for dog moms.
- Dog lovers appreciate unique paw print jewelry.