Non-Profit Friends & Pawtners Update

Donation & Sponsorship Guidelines
Dazzling Paws Jewelry LLC is proud to support non-profit companion animal related organization fundraisers and causes dedicated to the research of Breast Cancer and MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Please be aware that we try our very best to fulfill as many requests as possible. Due to the high volume of requests received, we appreciate your understanding that we cannot respond to, guarantee, or support every donation request. Please review our guidelines before submitting a donation or sponsorship request.

Guidelines for Consideration
1. Applications or a letter of request that are received at least 60 days in advance will be reviewed and considered.
2. All requests must include either of the following:
a. A completed "Donations and Sponsorship Application". E-mail for an application.
b. A letter of request that includes the following: legal name of organization, mailing address, phone number, contact person, Federal taxpayers ID number, website (if applicable), type of request and amount, when donation is needed, event name, date of event, anticipated number of guests attending event and advertising planned for event with how Dazzling Paws Jewelry LLC will be recognized.
i. Send the above info to:
ii. Mail to: DPJ LLC, P.O. Box 21, Plover, WI 54467
3. Dazzling Paws Jewelry LLC charitable giving program cycle is based on our fiscal year (January 1st – December 31st). Each organization may submit only (1) one request per fiscal year.
4. Organizations receiving donations/sponsorships from Dazzling Paws Jewelry LLC hereby authorize Dazzling Paws Jewelry LLC to use their name in advertising and publicity surrounding Dazzling Paws Jewelry LLC.
5. Donations up to $50 requires a Facebook acknowledgement on your Facebook page.
6. Donations $51 or more requires a Facebook acknowledgement, plus adding our link to your website. Organizations that don’t honor this request will be denied permanently.

1. Political organizations, parties or candidates will not be considered.

2. Applications from individuals and second or third party requests will not be considered.

3. Organizations with breed bans or favoring breed specific legislation will not be supported.

4. We are strong supporters of animal rescues, shelters and other canine organizations, breast cancer and multiple sclerosis. Requests that align with the DPJ culture and focus will receive consideration and review. Organizations outside of the scope of our giving plan no matter how worthwhile will not be considered.

We believe that every business should choose important causes/charities where they can make a difference and pay success forward. It is unrealistic to think any person or business could contribute to every worthwhile cause/charity but if we each choose a few, the impact will multiply and make a difference in all lives! We are part to do our part plus encourage and hopefully inspire others as well.