Our beloved canines never really leave us, they just run ahead and wait for us to re-join them. Honor the memory of well loved companions with these keepsake earrings named Until We Meet Again. Until We Meet Again earrings are a tangible reminder that even though a loved one's physical existence leaves this earth, their soul and spirit stay with us and lives on. We know that one day we will be reunited with all our friends and family that have gone on before us. Dealing with grief is so difficult; the intense feelings of sadness and sorrow can be overwhelming. We heal and receive strength by keeping alive our memories and the promise of reconnecting because it's not about goodbye it's only,
Until We Meet Again! Until We Meet Again earrings are crafted as substantial sized hearts to touch, feel, caress and remember. These memorial jewelry earrings hint at the angel's wing wrapping and helping to nurture the heart with a warm embrace. Until We Meet Again earrings symbolize our journey with our canine friends walking alongside us because they give our life meaning. Life is just better with dogs! The feet and paw prints walk upward and drop off the edge by design. The paw prints and foot prints are faded into this piece to symbolize the passing of a loved one and how they fade into our memory. Sooner or later either our own or our best friend's journey will go on where we cannot follow yet we must continue Until We Meet Again!
- Until We Meet Again earrings come in Dangle Posts, Clip-Ons or French Hooks.
- Until We Meet Again earrings will look coordinated worn with matching Until We Meet Again Pendant.
- Until We Meet Again earrings are a heartfelt and appreciated keepsake to memorialize your beloved canine.
- Until We Meet Again is a thoughtful gift when no words can help after the death of a loved companion.