"Wings of Hope" is for all the women (and men) who are fighting breast cancer, recovering from cancer, and in memory of all who have lost their battle with cancer. It may be a friend, lover, family member, or co-worker, but chances are you have had someone in your life affected by cancer. We have and felt inspired to design a symbolic representation of the strength and courage it takes to fight... and the Hope! Share the message of hope and support that the triumph of the spirit can never be taken away.
Wings of Hope incorporates the powerful awareness ribbon symbol we all recognize. The wings give flight to the hope that someday there will be a cure to cancer and an end to the needless suffering. The wings can also stand for the freedom from the fight whether in remission or passing. We stand together in the knowledge that we have all been touched by cancer and we all unite to fight the battle. We believe Hope is very important to remove fear and uncertainty. Hope also gives us the courage to trust that things will be OK. The Wings of Hope cancer pendant can be worn on any chain or pink cord.
- Wings of Hope can be worn with matching Wings of Hope earrings.
- Show your strength by wearing this cancer awareness jewelry.
- A percentage of the proceeds will go to the Miriam B White Foundation Inc. or Susan G. Komen Foundation.