Dog lovers who have special canine relationships would never question how important and valued their dogs are as part of the family. We will do just about anything for our canine family members! We give them nicknames, display and carry their photos, give them extra birthday treats and include them in all holiday celebrations. There is nothing quite like the unconditional love of our dogs! And it is the ties of love that bond families together, so we proudly believe with all our heart that we are connected by the canine ties of love.
Canine Ties of Love earrings are medium sized featuring a contemporary heart on one end with a perfect paw print on the other, joined together by a strong ribbon tie. Canine Ties of Love earrings remind us how we are connected to our beloved dogs through the bond of love. Canine Ties of Love earrings are a tastefully simple yet powerful and honest design that will become your “go to” favorite pet jewelry accessory. For even greater meaning, purchase your Canine Ties of Love earrings to celebrate a new family addition or as a thoughtful gift and lasting tribute for a close friend! Wearing Canine Ties of Love earrings make a smart fashion statement in an irresistible way showing you are proud to be a real dog lover.
- Canine Ties of Love earrings will be a treasured gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or to mark any occasion.
- Canine Ties of Love earrings can be worn with matching Canine Ties of Love pendant in a stylish, fashionable way!