Let’s go for a walk! Say those words or reach for a leash and you can count on your faithful dog friend(s) to join you enthusiastically, whether it’s a long hiking adventure or just a quick stroll to the mailbox. Never Walk Alone earrings are about being proud to hold your head high and share the journey with your furry companions. Walking with a dog adds a whole new perspective to life; we meet people, see details and experience things we might otherwise miss.
Never Walk Alone earrings add pep to your step and let you express your dog loving pride in a stylish way. Never Walk Alone earrings feature a human foot with a picturesque canine paw cuddled up snug, right alongside where a best friend belongs. The closeness of the paw to the foot illustrates your special bond and how much you enjoy the time you spend time together! As a classy finishing detail, Never Walk Alone earrings are highlighted with an attractively etched heart nestled into the paw pad. It is a comfort to have the companionship of amazing dogs that never let you walk alone!
- Never Walk Alone can be worn with matching Never Walk Alone pendant to complement your look!
- Never Walk Alone earrings can be casual, sporty or even dressed up with their offbeat class and interesting outlines.
- Never Walk Alone earrings are a memorable gift for any dog lover and dedicated dog walker- perfect for canine sports and outdoor enthusiasts.